Shimakaze is one of the original characters that players can collect in the free-to-play web-game Kantai Collection. The character is a representation of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s experimental destroyer in World War II. She prides herself as the fastest among the Fleet girls and always boasts about it.
Shimakaze also mentions that she’s armed with a sturdy torpedo to sink enemy fleets. She also acknowledged though, that she is the only one made, not built for mass production. Shimakaze is also the franchise’s most recognisable Fleet girl since the Kantai Collection was released. This article is a Shimakaze cosplay guide.
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Parts you may need
1. Full Shimakaze Costume Check Price
2. Blonde Shimakaze Wig Check Price
3. Shimakaze Shoes Check Price
4. Shimakaze Figure Check Price
The Best Shimakaze from Kantai Collection Cosplay Ideas
Shimakaze, like all of the Fleet girls in Kantai Collection, is not known to wear different outfits. She only wears one gear in the game. That is not unusual, considering she’s representing a battleship, which is not known to change its appearance regularly. This guide will feature the usual outfit that the character wears, which is a school uniform.
It consists of a white cropped sleeveless seifuku (which is the uniform that middle and high schoolers wear when they’re going to school) with gold buttons. The cosplay set will also include a short blue skirt and a black ribbon that is tied in the front and laced through a loop that is attached to the uniform. The set also includes a pair of knee-length red striped socks and a pair of grey shoes that have red rudders acting as heels. Completing the character’s appearance is a long blonde wig and a black headband with long bunny ears. Included in the set is a figure of Shimakaze.
About Shimakaze Costume
Shimakaze is one of the most popular Fleet girls in the Kantai Collection. She is usually in the top 3 when it comes to the polls of the most popular Fleet girl in the game. She’s also the game’s most recognisable character, as people who play the game will immediately know who this character is. Her personality is one of the main reasons why people know her. She’s a hyperactive character who is also a bit absent-minded, which makes for a lot of funny moments.
The character’s constant bragging of her speed also makes it easier to remember her. Aside from her personality, Shimakaze’s overall appearance is also a reason why people remember her. She’s one of the cutest characters in the game, and her hyperactive personality adds to her cuteness. That is why she’s a popular cosplay choice for ladies who are looking to dress up as Kantai Collection characters. If you look at the Shimakaze cosplay photos, you can see that her overall appearance is eye-catching and can make people turn their heads when she passes by. She’s a good cosplay option for attending costume parties or anime conventions.
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