Old Gregg is one of the guest characters of the British comedy troupe The Mighty Boosh that starred Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt. Noel Fielding played to role of Old Gregg during the episode “The Legend of Old Gregg”, where Howard Moon (Julian Barratt) accidentally fished him out of the lake. Old Gregg is a merman that possess a “mangina” (a “man vagina”) that has a blinding light.
He used his blinding mangina to make Howard unconscious and took him in a cavern deep beneath the Black Lake. He didn’t always live in the cavern beneath the lake, but there was little information regarding Old Gregg’s early years. It does seem like he had a healthy life as a kid and was even a good student. He bragged about getting an A+ in home economics. Though just a guest character, Old Gregg fascinated a lot of people, which developed into a cult following. It will be an Old Gregg costume guide here.
The Mighty Boosh Old Gregg Costume Tutorial

1. Old Gregg Jacket Check Price
2. Old Gregg Shirt Check Price
3. Old Gregg Green Wig Check Price
4. Silver Pants Check Price
5. Silver Tie Check Price
6. Red Tutu Skirt Check Price
7. White High-cut Sneakers Check Price
8. Green Body Paint Check Price
The Best Old Gregg of The Mighty Boosh Costume Ideas
Old Gregg is a guest character in the British comedy troupe The Mighty Boosh. He made an appearance in “The Legend of Old Gregg” episode where Noel Fielding played the part of the green merman. The guest character has fascinated a lot of people, gaining cult status and a favorite to dress up as.
This cosplay guide will feature Old Gregg’s costume. It consists of a black long sleeves polo with a silver jacket on top of it and a matching silver tie. The set also comes with matching silver pants, a red tutu skirt to be worn on top of the pants, and a pair of white high-cut sneakers. The cosplay set is completed with green body paint to get Old Gregg’s skin color and a long green curly wig for the character’s seaweed hair. The collection will also come with a silver long sleeves shirt for an alternative top.
About Old Gregg Costume
Old Gregg is considered a merman, but his actual classification and anatomy is still a question. Some believe he is half human and half fish, while others think the division has a ratio of 70 / 30. The only sure thing about Old Gregg is that he has green scaly skins, a seaweed-like hair, webbed fingers, and a mangina that has blinding light qualities.
He is also well-known for his quotable lines, particularly the “I got a mangina” line and the “You ever drunk Bailey’s from a shoe” line. The quotable quotes, combined with his bizarre appearance, made him an interesting character for fans of the comedy troupe. He was so well liked, that he became a popular choice for people to dress up as. Just take a look at the particularly cosplay photos, and you can see how people had fun dressing up as the merman with the mangina.
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