How to place the order on SheCos
How to Order
Paypal directly checkout 
It is one of the most secure methods of transacting online. It is trusted by many online shoppers because of the security it offers. At SheCos, you can use your PayPal account to pay for goods without an SheCos account..
To pay with PayPal:
1. When you visit the pruduct page, or go to our checkout page, click .
2. Exit SheCos and log in to your PayPal account. You could create an account if you did not already have one.
3. Follow the instructions to make your payment. You can either log into your PayPal account to pay for the order or you could pay for the same with you credit card through PayPal.
Advantage of Paypal payment
1. You do not even need to have an existing account to order items at SheCos.
2. You can trace the status of your payment through your account
3. You do not need to use your credit card. Instead, you can transfer the funds from your bank account directly.
4. Your personal details are protected minimizing the risk of hacking and identity theft.
5. 180 days' pretection for the transaction by paypal.
Credit Card via paypal

1. On your Shopping Cart page, click after reviewing your items.
2. After you leave SheCos and access Paypal payment page, please select the option "credit card" and fill in the required information as below.
Shopping card check out
1. You could put the item iin the card on the shopping cart after the size is selected.
2. Click the check out buttom in the shopping cart.
3. Fill your shipping address and select the shipping method.
4. Pay via paypal or credit card via paypal.
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